The new year is a good time to make changes. Want to amp up your beauty routine and get the best results ever?
Then go green!!
Our skin is the largest organ of the body. It is very efficient at absorbing chemicals (think nicotine patches/hormone patches). In fact our skin is capable of absorbing around 60% of what we apply. And it takes approximately 12 seconds to start absorbing!
- Have you ever considered what chemicals are in the ingredients list of the beauty products you use?
- Have you ever considered the impact these chemicals have on you or our planet?
Most of our everyday beauty products are full of nasty synthetic chemicals which are doing more harm than good. From potentially cancer-causing parabens to known skin irritants like Sodium Lauryl Sulfate to endocrine disrupters messing with our hormones.
On average women use 12 beauty products a day – it’s the mixing & culmination of these products that causes alarm. Not to mention the effect on the environment – they eventually end up going down the plug hole!
By choosing 100% natural and certified organic beauty products we can all do our bit to take care of ourselves and our planet at the same time.
Top Tips to transition to green beauty:-
- Make swaps to replace your regular beauty product to a ‘green’ beauty product as you go along
- Buy ‘certified’ organic / 100% natural where you can.
- Become a bottle turner – check the ingredients list. We recommend ‘healthy living app’ & ‘Think dirty shop clean’ great tools when shopping, they check toxicity levels!
- Avoid ‘greenwashing’ brands. Current legislation states a beauty product only has to have 1% natural or organic ingredient in it and it can be sold as being organic/natural. (Refer to point 2 & 3 to be safe)
- Have a go at making DIY skincare – cleansers, scrubs, masks etc from food in your kitchen. A mashed banana, honey, avocado, coconut oil etc. all bio rich and wonderfully natural food for your skin! Cheap and kinder for the environment too.
- Be mindful. Choose ethical companies that don’t use animal derived ingredients and who also don’t test on animals.
- Look for hair salons, Spa & Beauty salons that specialise in natural and organic.
Wishing you a happy clean & green 2019!
Jo x
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